Wedding Stationery

In case you missed it, ours was a small wedding – which means that the majority of our friends and family weren’t actually there! We loved our small wedding but I knew that I still wanted to share a small flavour of the day with some of those friends and family, and also get some mementos for our home.

When browsing the site (it is usually best to hide all payment cards out of reach before doing this!) I had seen the postcards that they make and decided this would be a great way to send a small selection of photos to a few people. Once we got the “official” photos in, I ordered some postcards, and I think they turned out rather well!

Wedding Postcards

I’ve been working on getting a selection of these sent out to various people – a bit like writing the Christmas cards all over again really :)

We don’t have photos up in our home (literally, not at all. We do have maps though!) however I wanted us to have something of our wedding day to have around to remind us of the day. While looking around on the moo site (told you this works out expensive) I saw this frame for mini moo cards. Since I’m an engineer married to an engineer, anything requiring a screwdriver makes a good present!! I took a selection of the photos from the wedding and cropped them in the correct ratio for these tiny cards (2.5:1 if you’re interested), taking a small slice out of each shot (probably these make no sense if you weren’t there or haven’t seen the photos) with more photos than he’d need for the frame so that he could choose.

The cards:
Wedding Mini Moo Cards

The finished frame:
Mini Moo Card Frame

My stationery worship tendencies were made complete when I realised that the box the frame ships in has printed on it a pattern to cut out a stand for it – what a great idea :)

I’ve been ordering business type things from moo for ages, they always claim it takes them 10 days to ship anything and then deliver it all in four days, for reasons I can’t understand (more than once I’ve ordered from elsewhere because I need it faster). It was quite fun to make personal things too, I’ve never had a good excuse to do that before and I loved how it all turned out – the mini moo card frame was particularly fun.

I also treated myself to new business cards (with rounded corners!) so if you see me at a conference any time soon, you can get one of those too :)

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