PHP 7 Benchmarks

If you know anything at all about PHP7, you probably know it’s fast. But did you know how fast? The alpha is out and looks very robust, so I decided I would create a new set of benchmarks to include it. Graphs first, disclaimers later :)

This graph shows the time it takes for each version of PHP to perform the same task, on average, with oldest PHP on the left and moving forward in time.


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PHP 5.4 Benchmarks

Today I’m giving my first ever talk at OSCON – about PHP 5.4 (I’ll also be giving my second ever talk at OSCON, about RESTful services; it’s a busy day!). My talk includes some benchmarks which I thought I’d also share here, mostly because I like pretty graphs – and this one is pretty:

graph comparing performance of PHP versions
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Proof that PHP 5.4 is Twice as Fast as PHP 5.3

So recently I was working on some benchmarks for different versions of PHP, because I heard that PHP 5.4 is “faster” and since I’m a data geek I want to know how much faster! Now, PHP 5.4 is, in general, faster than PHP 5.3 but not twice as fast* unless you pick a use case which has been particularly optimised.

My first attempt at benchmarking the two versions produced this:

graph showing php 5.4 taking half the time of php 5.3
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