Exclude a Directory when Grepping

As a developer-of-another-discipline who is now transitioning into a bunch of NodeJS projects, I grep a LOT. However I am usually only interested in the code in the project at hand, and not the dependencies – of course grep has a switch for that! To grep your project and not the dependencies in the node-modules folder, try this:

grep -R --exclude-dir node_modules [what to search for] * 

If you’re using a different tech stack you may want to exclude a different directory (for PHP, the directory would be called vendor), but this is a very handy tip and a bit nicer than the older approach I was using which did the whole search and then used a second grep to eliminate things by using the -v switch.

cfenv for Easier NodeJS on Cloud Foundry

Now I’m working at IBM I am making extensive use of their Bluemix Platform, which is based on Cloud Foundry. The way that Cloud Foundry is set up is actually very neat, with everything you need contained in JSON structures within environment variables. Parsing out those values can be a pain however, so I thought I’d share the library that’s helping me the most with this: cfenv. Continue reading

Using NPM Link to Develop Dependent Projects

Right now I’m working on a javascript project that relies on another module for some of its functionality. I’m making fairly major changes that affect both projects, and since the dependency is pulled in via npm, initially I was committing and pushing to a repo so that npm could pull in the dependency from GitHub – on every update. Well that gets tedious really quickly so I’m now using the npm link command which is pretty handy. I hadn’t seen it before so this blog post is basically the cheat sheet I wrote when I started using it… Continue reading