Presenting with pdfpc

My slide deck tool ( rst2pdf ) produces PDFs, and I use pdfpc to present the PDF slides. It shows the current and next slides, my notes, a timer, and it probably does other things too that I don’t use! I’ve used it for years but it was really designed for “in real world” presenting with one or two screens. Recently I discovered it also supports some great options for remote presentations, but I had to look up how to do that so here are my notes (mostly in case I need to look it up 1 minute before I go on stage again!!). Continue reading

Presenting from PDF

I’ve been using PDF as a file format for presentations for the last ~8 years and I LOVE it. The clue is in the name: Portable Document Format: it’s an open standard, and works everywhere. You can embed your fonts, images, whatever … if you end up presenting it from another machine for some reason, everything is going work, even when you want to upload the slides afterwards. Yet, it’s still a pretty unusual choice, I think because people don’t know much about the tooling around it – so I thought I’d share some of my tips.

Today: tools for actually delivering a PDF presentation (I make them with rst2pdf ). Continue reading