
Debugging HTTP

OSCON, July 2014
I’ve given this talk in a few places, but it was a privilege to deliver it again at OSCON! It’s a very practical walk through using curl, Wireshark and Charles to work out what’s going on at different levels of your application by inspecting the HTTP traffic.


Advanced Adventures in Git

An advanced git talk with a twist – you get to choose your own adventure through the talk content to work out what you want to see! This talk is fun because it’s never the same twice.

No slides (sorry) because they only show the adventure – the actual git content is a combination of scripts (to get the repo into the correct state very, very quickly) and the rest is demo. This session wasn’t recorded.


Your Open Source Persona

J And Beyond, June 2014
Keynote for Joomla! and Beyond. I doubt the slides make much sense but they do have some citations at the end. Mostly this talk is about community, karma, and responsibility.

Update: now with video!


Upgrading PHP

DrupalCamp Scotland/phpDay Italy, May 2014
This talk was given in very different ways on two consecutive weekends: first at DrupalCamp Scotland in Edinburgh, and then at phpDay in Verona. Two different crowds, different events, but the same message. Upgrade, FFS :)


A Community API

APIStrat, March 2014
A short talk at APIStrat in Amsterdam about the API.


Git Flow vs Github Flow

Net Magazine, March 2014
net252coverI had the privilege of taking ownership of the head-to-head column this month in net, and I pitted git flow against github flow for a full comparison of these two branching strategies.

You can get a single edition if you want to read it: