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Compiling PHP Extensions
- The extension isn’t available on pecl (e.g. uprofiler)
- The extension is on pecl, but you need the newest version or a branch with a particular feature or fix in it, perhaps for testing
- You are fixing an extension yourself (yay, we need more people like you!)
Related: If you followed my previous post on compiling PHP, be aware that in the php/bin/
folder there is a pecl binary that will install extensions correctly for whichever version of PHP it belongs to, so you may not need to read the rest of this post. However if you do, the paths follow on from the examples in that post.
I haven’t seen a really approachable guide anywhere, we tend to speak of extensions in hushed tones, and actually it isn’t particularly tricky so here is my quick how-to guide. Continue reading
Running Multiple Versions of PHP
Adding Npm to a PHP Travis Project
In need of wisdom and advice, I turned to the best source I know:
How do people use @travisci with multiple languages? Project uses PHP and nodejs tools but I can't seem to configure both. Any links/advice?
— Lorna Mitchell (@lornajane) May 7, 2014
New PHP Videos on
There are two videos available: PHP Web Services and Intermediate PHP
(subtitle: a bunch of things Lorna thinks will make developers’ lives and applications better!), you can click through (disclaimer: affiliate links!) to get more information and a detailed chapter outline for each course. I hope that either or both of them will be useful to you. Continue reading
My ffmpeg Cookbook
Using Phing with Travis CI
Quickly add Amazon Cloudfront as a CDN
View Only Headers with Curl
request changes the output I get, so I really do want to GET
and then only see the headers.
Handily, when you use the -v
verbose flag with curl, it sends the output to stdout as usual, but the extra information including the headers goes to stderr. This means that I can therefore view the headers only throwing away stdout completely:
curl -v -s 1> /dev/null
(you need the -s
to stop curl from “helpfully” printing progress bars as well)
Video: Git Remotes and Tracking Branches
I also blogged about the tracking branches in a bit more detail if you’re interested.