Add OpenAI flags to OpenAPI descriptions

With OpenAI’s new Actions feature allowing you to get a GPT that uses your own API, many new doors are open. However giving an AI an access token the keys to your API and telling it to have fun may lead you to realise that one of the doors available leads to the empty lift shaft of overwritten data, or the bottomless well of cloud bill shock. To reduce the risks, OpenAI supports an extension x-openai-isConsequential that you can add to your OpenAPI description, to indicate which endpoints should not be called without a human confirmation step.

I’m not doing much with OpenAI right now, but I do plenty with OpenAPI and the question “how do I add this field to my existing API description?” is one that I can answer! What’s more, you can use the advice in this post to add other extensions or additions to your OpenAPI descriptions using Overlays, this advice isn’t OpenAI-specific, but it’s used in the examples. Continue reading