
Surviving Failure in RabbitMQ

Velocity, October 2017
I have the pleasure of speaking at VelocityConf again this year, and even better: they accepted my talk about RabbitMQ!

(there will be a video in due course but it’s only available on the Safari platform from O’Reilly)


CouchDB, PouchDB and Offline-Tolerant Apps

Romania PHP, October 2017
Delighted to be a speaker at the first Romania PHP event in Cluj! This talk is mostly about CouchDB but includes a risky demo of PWAs at the start (thankfully no video so I’ll claim it went really smoothly)


Deploy Cloud Functions with Bluemix DevOps

Watson Data Lab, October 2017
A post about automation for one of our OpenWhisk projects at work

Build A Serverless Data Pipeline

Signal, September 2017
An excellent day out to Signal at the Brewery in London. My talk was the first slot in the basement and I was sure nobody would find me … I was wrong, it was standing room only! Both slides and video are available

This is also the talk I gave at the Big Data Developers Meetup in London a few days later.


Fun With Serverless JavaScript

Nordic.js, September 2017
My first trip to Nordic.JS (and in fact to Sweden!) and it was great. I don’t often address 800 people (plus the live stream) but it was a great crowd and I talked to loads of interesting developers.