I use Redis for storage in one of my Alexa applications, so I blogged about it on the work blog (includes YouTube of me and Alexa!): https://medium.com/ibm-watson-data-lab/add-redis-to-your-serverless-application-e22381123d9
Trigger Periodic OpenWhisk Actions
Need cron for your OpenWhisk? Look no further as I’ve posted on the work blog about how I set mine up to fire every 5 minutes and pass in some parameters: https://medium.com/ibm-watson-data-lab/trigger-periodic-openwhisk-actions
Simple CSV Import for CouchDB
Quick tutorial over on the work medium channel for working with CouchDB and CSV/TSV files: https://medium.com/ibm-watson-data-lab/simple-csv-import-for-couchdb-71616200b095
10 Things I Hate About Your API
A writeup of Amanda Folson’s talk from php|tek, published on the work medium channel: https://medium.com/ibm-watson-data-lab/10-things-i-hate-about-your-api-amanda-folson-2189f0d9dc3f
Fun With Serverless Apps
A serverless talk with a bit more focus on Alexa and doing conversations with the Amazon Echo tools.
Also with video:
PouchDB, CouchDB and Offline-Tolerant Apps
CouchDB talk with a quick foray into PouchDB and progressive web apps
There’s also video! (well screencast and audio)