PouchDB, CouchDB and Offline-Tolerant Apps Dutch PHP Conference CouchDB talk with a quick foray into PouchDB and progressive web apps There’s also video! (well screencast and audio)
Fun With Serverless JavaScript LeedsJS, May 2017 A little bit of Lambda, a bit more OpenWhisk and some Alexa for fun. This talk is an intro to serverless programming, when to use it and how to actually make it happen.
CouchDB: Scalable NoSQL php[tek], May 2017 CouchDB primer, with a spot of PouchDB and building the apps of the future with an OfflineFirst approach
Working With Webhooks php[tek], May 2017 How webhooks work, how to receive them in PHP and how to send them
Surviving Failure in RabbitMQ DataLayer, May 2017 Slides from this talk at the excellent Data Layer conference: