
Advanced Adventures in Git

PHP South Coast, July 2015
This was the inaugural PHP South Coast conference and I hope it was the first of many, it was extremely well done with a great crowd and great lineup. The even let me speak and I had the last slot of the day on the main stage with my “choose your own adventure” style git talk. It was all demo (I can only imagine that a barely-working spacebar made that even more slick) so I’m afraid there are no slides, but there are rumours of a video so I will add that here when it is published.

Your Open Source Journey

Dynamic Languages Conference, June 2015
Slides (minimal ones, sorry) from my keynote at the Dynamic Languages Conference


Choose the Right Git Branching Strategy

Net Magazine, April 2015
net_z1_z1(3) (1)Writing for netmag is always fun, and this time was no exception. I often work with teams of various disciplines to identify and implement the right branching strategy for them so it was good to generalise some of those ideas and share. Also: netmag is gorgeous and it’s so much fun to be in physical print! I even showed my parents :)

This was edition 267, June 2015.


Getting Involved in PHP 7

PHP Round Table, April 2015
I had the pleasure of being a guest on this PHP podcast, specifically to talk about PHP 7


Get Ready For PHP 5.4+

WordCamp, March 2015
Presented at WordCamp London, a chance to showcase some important new features and gotchas for those upgrading to modern versions of PHP.