
A Community API

APIStrat, March 2014
A short talk at APIStrat in Amsterdam about the API.


Git Flow vs Github Flow

Net Magazine, March 2014
net252coverI had the privilege of taking ownership of the head-to-head column this month in net, and I pitted git flow against github flow for a full comparison of these two branching strategies.

You can get a single edition if you want to read it:


Debugging HTTP

PHPUK, February 2014
A remake of previous editions of this talk, I was privileged to have the opportunity to give it this time on the main stage at PHPUK. Great event, great atmosphere, great people :)





Create a Dashboard Using Guzzle

Net Magazine, January 2014
A hands-on tutorial for netmag, this was a fun project to build a dashboard giving insights to a project by using Guzzle to pull data from GitHub’s API and display it. It’s a walk through of how to create something like this using guzzle, starting with HTML5 Boilerplate to give a nice, clean look, then putting the flash on those bones with data from github.

It’s in Issue 251, March 2014 – you can get back issues here:



The Pains and Gains of Upgrading PHP

PHPNW User Group, December 2013
Basically: “would everyone please upgrade to a currently-supported version of PHP”. This talk covers the new features and performance improvements in PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5, and gives some approachable advice on how to handle upgrading between them. This talk was delivered to my local user group and they asked some good questions!


Git, GitHub and Open Source

NW Drupal Camp, November 2013
A talk about git, github, and the difference between the two, with a sprinkling of open source contribution cheerleading thrown in to make it hang together. I am not a drupal user but I’ve had some great experiences being made to feel welcome at drupal events so I was delighted to pop over to my local DrupalCamp and deliver this session. There is video as well as my slides and a rating: