
Best Practice in API Design

CodeConnexx, November 2013
This talk was at CodeConnexx in Maastricht, which was a mixed web technologies and soft skills event. Since the audience were of many different technical disciplines, this talk aims more at HTTP-level advice rather than implementation details.


Teach A Man To Fish

CodeConexx, November 2013
The tech/work skills conference CodeConnexx was in Europe this year and I had the privilege of opening it with a keynote entitled “Teach a Man to Fish”. My talk was a great opportunity to share some ideas I’ve had about professional development within teams, rather than just as individuals. I shared my own tactics for benchmarking and improving teams, and how to develop particular skills – and then how to scale up the benefits of the investment in learning by sharing it with your team.



Git Basics

OggCamp, October 2013
OggCamp is an unconference, where the content is provided by the attendees. Apparently I am unable to attend this event without speaking or contributing in some way, and this year was no exception! I joined with some friends in presenting a “git basics” session. We talked about use cases and how it applies to open source, and I showed a few slides mixed with demo. The slides were from this deck, published by github themselves:

Debugging HTTP

PHPNW 2013, October 2013
This is my fun, geeky talk about Curl, Wireshark, and Charles – a toolkit that enables me to debug even the most peculiar and awkward-to-reach HTTP issues. The slides are fairly minimal, I interleaved each tool with a demonstration of it – actually a pre-recorded video so that I could talk at the same time and not mutter at my laptop which is how a live demo normally works.



0x0F Ways To Be A Better Developer

PHPNW 2013, October 2013
I co-presented this talk as the opening keynote to PHPNW with my good friend and colleague Ivo Jansch. We tried to pull the things that have made the most difference in our careers, and package up the best of those to share with the crowd. Since the keynote room isn’t big enough for the entire audience, we knew we would need to video relay – so we video relayed in both directions and each presented half the talk in one of the rooms. Crazy? Yes, totally. But lots of fun and I hope we gave at least a few useful points to everyone there!
