
Debugging HTTP

pfcongres, September 2013
It was my great pleasure to make it to this Dutch conference, I’ve spoken at other events in NL, but never yet made it along to pfcongres. This conference has a great community feel and my talk got some good questions all the way through. Thanks, folks!



PHP is Taking Care of Business

Acquia Podcast, September 2013
While at DrupalCon Portland in May, I had the pleasure of meeting up with Jam, the embodiment of Drupal community. We had a great chat about life, the universe, and PHP, and he distilled it down to this podcast. Listen right to the end for a funny outtake :) I have no memory of saying those words but it does seem plausible!

Article and podcast:


The Future of PHP is … Here Already

Acquia Blog, September 2013
I had fun writing about the “new” features of PHP (everything from PHP 5.3 onwards, so not all that new!) for Acquia’s blog. Acquia are the company behind Drupal, which is just moving to require PHP 5.3 as a minimum, and I really wanted to get the message out to all those devs on PHP that there are some very nice features ahead!)



API Design

Hackference, August 2013
I’ve spoken in a number of different cities, in a number of different countries – and this time, I got to speak in my home town of Birmingham! The hackference was in its first year, and it was a great crowd; I really enjoyed giving my API design talk there and had some good discussions during the rest of the event about the points that I raised.


Software Project Estimation Techniques

DayCamp4Developers, July 2013
It’s daycamp4developers time again! I was delighted that Cal reassured me that I hadn’t yet overstayed my welcome at this event and invited me to speak at this edition of the online conference. My topic was officially called “Software Project Estimation Techniques” but the talk was unofficially entitled “how late??”. It talked about why estimation is difficult, and introduced some processes to help teams of developers estimate and deliver more accurately.



REST for Web Developers

DrupalCon, May 2013
The DrupalCon version of this REST talk, showing off how the features of HTTP come together to create elegant and simple web APIs for data exchange between systems. Mostly HTTP theory with some GitHub examples included.