This in-depth tutorial on various tricks with Charles was published on the Inviqa Techportal: Charles is a very important tool for me, and I can’t overstate how much it helps in my work, so it was excellent to be able to write more about it and show some real examples.
All About ZCE
Presentation to my local usergroup (PHPNW) about the why, what and how of becoming a Zend Certified Engineer. Slides include links to study resources and training.
Google Developers Live
Interview with me and some googlers for Google Developer Live – the Women Techmakers series. We talk about my career and background, technology, open source, craft, books and life in general.
Manipulating HTTP with Charles Proxy
A new post on techportal, covering some of my favourite Charles tips and tricks, from the very beginning of the story just observing the traffic to proxying a mobile device through Charles and altering the requests as they come through. Packed full of screenshots and practical examples.
PHP 5.4
Part of Zend’s Webinar series, this is my “PHP 5.4 Features You Will Actually Use” talk. You can find the recording from this session (had some good questions as well as the talk) here:
REST for Web Developers
I wrote this new talk for my local user group, LeedsPHP, when they invited me as a speaker for their monthly meeting.