
7 Steps to Better APIs

netmagazine, February 2013
Subtitled “Design successful RESTful APIs”, this article was a blast to write, although blatantly there are 8 tips included in the article :) It was published in the March 2013 issue of netmagazine, issue 238, and they absolutely blew my mind by including it on the front page :)


You can buy individual digital issues for 4.99 GBP if anyone is interested.


PHP 5.4

Web and PHP Magazine, December 2012
This relatively new publication has had some great content so far, and approached me to write about the newest version of PHP, 5.4. I’ve been speaking on this topic already so I had plenty of examples to share and was delighted to get involved.

Web and PHP Magazine is a free PDF download, you want Issue 9


SSH Tips

Web Advent, December 2012
I was overjoyed to be invited to join in with the webadvent project this year (what used to be PHP advent but we’re all writing more languages now). For my topic, I picked SSH – it’s a simple thing but it isn’t always explained clearly to people who haven’t used it before, and also there are some fun tricks that even regular users may not have seen.



Git and Github: Everything You Need To Know

This talk was in the unconference at ZendCon: I had submitted it into the main conference, then given the same talk at another event a couple of days before. I answered three git questions in the first 36 hours I was at this conference so I put this talk into the unconference in an attempt to “scale up” my ability to field git questions :) The slides are below but the talk is also closely based on my written version, which you can read here: (for those people who prefer to read than imagine what I might have said in front of any given slide!)


The PHP 5.4 Features You Will Actually Use

ZendCon 2012, October 2012
The fourth and final outing for this PHP 5.4 talk that I’ve been giving in various guises for a few months! The ZendCon audience were intelligent and engaged (and the room was busy again!), and this was possibly the most fun I’ve ever had listing programming language features aloud :)


Design and Build Your API

ZendCon 2012, October 2012
Half-day workshop at ZendCon (we were sold out, it was busy!), covering all kinds of HTTP theory and practical advice, to enable attendees to build their own APIs. It included some hands-on workshops, the HTTP cards game, and some great questions and examples from the audience. Main topics were around the theory of a good API, some design tips, different kinds of API and data formats, and how to effectively deliver and support an API once built.