
PHP Tools Workshop

PHP North West, October 2012
The conference tutorials are more like a training course than a conference talk, but I’ll add it here anyway. This year at PHPNW I was invited to give a full-day workshop about PHP Tools. We had a small group and a whole day where we covered source control using git and github, had a play with some static analysis tools, then did some profiling using xhprof and xhgui. Later on we looked at deployment with phing and continuous integration with Jenkins – then we created and merged some pull requests to and deployed that code live to enjoy over the weekend … I had a fun day :)

I created a bundle of links to accompany the course and also blogged about it.


Contribute to CakePHP with Git and Github

I adapted this talk for the cakePHP community, since they have all their code and documentation on github it is super-important for everyone to be clear and confident working with git. The community were lovely and welcoming and since the event was just over the hills from me in Manchester, it was easy to get to and I had a lovely time.



PHP 5.4 Features

CakeFest, PHPNW and ZendCon, September/October 2012
This talk was part of my submissions to a number of CfPs which were all at the same time – and all the events accepted it. So This talk appeared, almost without modification, at CakeFest in Manchester, PHPNW also in Manchester, and ZendCon in California.


Get Some REST

OSCON, July 2012
My attempt to give some good advice on RESTful APIs (and to some extent APIs in general) in 35 minutes. The room was packed and the audience were excellent!


The PHP 5.4 Features You Will Actually Use

OSCON, July 2012
This talk is an entirely subjective list of my favourite PHP 5.4 features (I’m giving this talk a few more times this year, and I expect it to change each time as I use more/different 5.4 things)


OAuth: A Question of Trust

A favourite topic for a favourite conference! I love DPC with its super-geeky audience and I enjoyed giving this OAuth talk . I spoke on almost the same topic last year, but this year was high-level and much more geared towards OAuth 2.