
Best Practice in API Design

phpDay, May 2012
Loved giving this talk at PHP Day in Verona – I hadn’t spoken in Italy before and everyone was friendly and super-helpful, Verona is beautiful and I had a really excellent time! My audience were great and asked some good questions which I always enjoy – in theory this is a talk I’ve given before, in practice it comes out different every time as I work with more APIs and bring different experiences (war stories!) to the proceedings.


Git Involved

php|architect, May 2012
Feature-length article in php|architect magazine (May 2012 edition) on how to use git and github to get involved in open source. This article uses my own open source project,, to show clear examples of the steps to follow and which commands to use to achieve those. This was so much fun to write and I hope will enable many more contributors to open source projects everywhere.

OAuth: A Question of Trust

PHPNW User Group, May 2012
PHPNW is my local user-group and also one of the nicest and most technically qualified audiences I know. So when I was invited to give an all-new talk at DPC (a notoriously technical conference), I was pleased to be able to bring it to the user group first so they could tell me what I was doing wrong – which they did, very nicely.

If you’re looking for the slides, I have some changes to make and will put them live after I’ve given this talk at DPC in June (mail me if you need them before that!)


MongoDB and PHP Address Book

Net Magazine, June 2012
I so love being in print in @netmag! Once again I co-authored with Steve Francia from 10gen, this time to show off a little more interesting schema design, including the geo features in MongoDB.

It’s a paper publication but they also offer digital versions, this was issue 228, June 2012.