
Git, GitHub and Open Source

Leeds PHP, March 2012
As an open source project lead, I meet lots of folk who are keen to code, but who haven’t used git before. This session was to get everyone up to speed with how the pieces fit together and how to get involved in open source.


Interview on 7PHP

7php, March, 2012
I was recently interviewed by the 7php website: This was quite fun to do, but I should definitely delete questions I don’t want to answer rather than give flippant responses! Do take the time to read the rest of the series, there have been some really good interviews on there.

Build an app with MongoDB

Netmagazine, Issue 226, March 2012
Fabulous multipage tutorial article in @netmag, co-authored with the ever-geeky Steve Francia from 10gen. This one was a lot of fun to write, in theory it was about MongoDB but in practice it turned into a bit of a PHP 5.3 features showcase as well *and* gave me a chance to show off slim framework which is always good! It’s actually the first in a series – there’s a followup which creates an address book rather than a blog.

It’s a paper publication but they also offer digital versions, you want issue 226, April 2012


Running an Open Source Project

PHPUK Unconference 2012
A very short slot in the PHPUK unconference track about my experiences running a successful open source project and how to deal with that, particularly as I’m currently a sole project lead. I got a bigger audience than I expected and (once again) remembered that I hate giving talks unrehearsed!

It was great to discuss some of these issues with others and I intend to write things up as a blog post some day.

Edit: I have now written the blog post on this topic