
Things I Wish New Graduates Knew

Guest Lecture, November 2011
I get asked sometimes to speak to students studying relevant courses at university. These are the slides I used for a talk at Leeds Met, who are very local to me and whom I interact with quite a bit. There weren’t many students there but those that were I hope took something from it.


Teach A Man To Fish

PHPCon Poland, October 2011
I went to Poland for the first time to deliver this professional/team development talk as one of their invited speakers. I had a truly wonderful time there, and I think the talk went quite well as well!

Blog post:



Join In With Joind.In

PHP North West 2011 Unconference, October 2011
Short talk for the unconference about the project, where to get involved, what we’ve got planned, and generally a great opportunity for me to talk interrupted on one of my favourite topics for 15 minutes!


Web Service Tutorial

PHP North West 2011, October 2011
I loved giving this tutorial at the first ever PHP North West Tutorial day session; the smaller groups mean it’s easy to run around and assist people in getting their code going and trying things out, and I got so many good questions about web services and what to do in particular situations – thanks to everyone who was there!


Open Source Your Career

PyConUK, September 2011
Keynote at the PyConUK conference in Coventry. I felt a little out of place as I’m a PHP programmer and know very little python, but this community were really welcoming and respectful – thank you :)