Using Composer Without GitIgnoring Vendor/

Recent additions to the API have introduced some new dependencies so we decided we’d start using Composer to manage these – but we don’t want to run composer unsupervised. I’m sure this will bring the rain of “just run composer install, it’s probably mostly almost safe” criticism, but actually it’s quite tricky to run Composer without excluding vendor/ from source control so I thought I’d share how we did it so that anyone who wants to do so can learn from my experience!

The Prescribed Method

Let’s start with the usual method of using composer:

  1. Create composer.json to describe the dependencies
  2. Run composer update to find specific versions of those dependencies and write exact versions to composer.lock. Repeat this step if composer.json changes.
  3. Add the vendor directory to .gitignore, but add the composer.* files.
  4. Run composer install on all platforms (and do this again whenever composer.lock changes.

That’s the basic composer pattern, and it works well. Most people should do it this way.

Checking Libraries into Git

There are a few reasons you might want to check your dependencies into source control yet still use composer, such as:

  • Either your users or your tools aren’t ready to start using composer yet
  • Your live servers don’t have internet access so dependencies need to be packaged with code
  • Running composer on live scares you because it’s recently had some bad security press
  • You like composer for managing dependencies, or think it will become production-ready soon, but you’re not running it on live yet – because you, your sysadmins or your IT director aren’t ready

When I tried to just commit my vendor directory, some git submodule weirdness ensued, and in fact, the documentation does cover this:

Adding dependencies installed via git to a git repo will show them as submodules. This is problematic because they are not real submodules, and you will run into issues.

I did, indeed, run into issues.

The workaround (from the same docs) is to add a .gitignore line that removes all .git directories within your vendor directory. So add this line to the .gitignore file at the same level as composer.json and vendor/:


Now when you install dependencies into composer (I found I had to git rm my entire vendor directory, commit, and then composer install again to clean up my earlier mistakes) you can safely add the vendor directory to the project and treat it as a library directory you had unzipped downloaded packages to. Apart from it’s fabulous autoloader and easy-to-update format, that is :)

20 thoughts on “Using Composer Without GitIgnoring Vendor/

  1. One alternative might be to use composer for dev, release build and all other environments that are under your control.
    Then on the live systems you have a complete set of files/code to deploy.

    I’ve been working with this and it is a great compromise. It allows to use composer the way it is meant to and still you end up with a release (archive, rpm, etc) that has no further external dependencies.

    • I’ve been leaning on this direction too.

      Prepare the release locally (or in Continuous Deployment server), build all the assets needed, installing all composer packages, checking git modules if any. Then just rsync the release to production.

      It also removes the need of having GIT and private keys (eg: when having private composer packages) on the server. One less key to manage.

    • +1 for this.

      I use this approach at work. I build on a separate local server and rsync to production (This is OK if you do not have to deploy to multiple servers.). I use a fabric script for automating that process and give a really simple way to anyone to easily update/deploy to staging/release.

      I use the symlinc switch trick found on this blog in that fabric script :)

    • We use this method too. A build script on our server runs composer to “package” our app and all its parts. (a folder)
      Then it sends the whole thing to production. With this setup, composer doesn’t need to be installed or run on production.

  2. Excellent post! I’m thinking of using the same technique for some projects where I can’t control the deployment process and the service just pulls from the source repository.

    In many cases, running the composer install, update, or require commands with the –prefer-dist option will download the package’s source from the preferred distribution package (usually a zip file, if it’s a standard package hosted on GitHub). This distribution package does not include the .git folder. This method works well for stable packages with tagged releases.

    The opposite of this option is –prefer-source, which downloads the package source straight from the repository.

    There are obviously caveats to using both of these options, for packages that do not follow the standard patterns, so the best bet is to go with your recommendation of adding vendor/.git.

  3. I’ve been doing –prefer-dist for months now and was really excited about just adding vendor/.git so I didn’t have to think about it anymore. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work for me, as its still seeing the .git directories and creating submodules. (And yes, I did commit the .gitignore file update first and separately.)

    Any ideas?

  4. Thanks a lot for this tip!

    Implemented it in the projects at work and now people don’t need to always keep updating composer, specially because of the api limits.

  5. Pingback: Using Composer Without GitIgnoring Vendor | Laravel News

  6. I was also thinking of putting the vendor directory under git control because I want to avoid having to install dependencies using ‘composer install’ in the course of deployment to test and prod stages. But isn’t this causing an issue with platform/OS dependent content in the vendor directory? How far can the vendor directories of the same project (same state of composer.lock) differ depending on Windows, Mac, Linux as the underlying OS? I think the vendor/bin content differs between Windows and Mac as far as I can see.

  7. I recommend to use this method.

    Edit composer.json and add this line.
    “config”: {
    “preferred-install”: “dist”

    Remove all folder in vendor and run composer install. Folder .git should not appear in vendor folder anymore.

    • I have found this to be the most reliable method. It is possible that not all packages downloaded by composer will end up in the vendor directory. Particularly for CakePHP, many packages are actually plugins and will get moved to the Plugins directory.

  8. How about following idea?:
    – We keep a separate repository for project dependencies only
    but that repository contains only composer.json and composer.lock.
    – We maintain that repository on each environment like dev, staging, production
    – In project repository, we have vendor directory which has a soft link to
    vendor directory of dependency repository’s vendor directory.
    – On dev, we do composer update on dependency repository,
    test everything and if works fine then commit composer.json and composer.lock
    – On Staging, Production, we only do composer install
    but only when we did composer update on Dev last time
    otherwise we don’t do anything with dependency repository on each environment.

  9. Circling back to add that today I’d add `composer.json` and `composer.lock` to git and gitignore `vendor/` – Composer is a much more stable tool than it used to be!

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