Tag Archives: joind.in
Using Composer Without GitIgnoring Vendor/
composer install
, it’s probably mostly almost safe” criticism, but actually it’s quite tricky to run Composer without excluding vendor/
from source control so I thought I’d share how we did it so that anyone who wants to do so can learn from my experience!Continue reading
API Documentation with IODocs
Iodocs is a node.js application (which is fun for a PHP developer. Most developers write a bit of JS, but this one hasn’t). You describe your API and all its methods in JSON, and then iodocs presents an interface for you to enter API keys, add parameters to each request and press the “try it!” button. This makes your API call and shows you the results on screen, which seems like a great way to demonstrate what all the various parameters do!
Fetching Your Talks from the Joind.In API
I’ve recently been thinking that I should also do a better job of linking through to the various talks I’m giving/have given – and at around the same time I was contacted by the good folk at mojoLive about integrating against joind.in. To cut a long story short, the joind.in API now has the functionality for users to retrieve their list of talks! Continue reading
Using an Existing Vagrant Setup for PHP Development
Then I went to WhiskyWeb, which had a hackathon. I’m unclear on exactly what happened because my attention was elsewhere but it seems like @JayTaph showed off puppet and vagrant to @deizel*, who immediately built a vagrant setup for joind.in, which is an open source project that I’m currently leading. With the shiny new technology all packaged for me, I decided it was time to take a look! Continue reading
Speaking at Leeds PHP

Thoughts on Running an Open Source Project
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Early in the development of the new Joind.In API, someone else started consuming the service to populate the javascript widgets they were making*. Since these scripts are intended to be used on many external pages, and they retrieve data from the joind.in API, cross-domain issues were a problem. Continue reading
QR Codes with Google Charts API
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