The search functionality works!!
I have PHP 5.1.2 on a Windows XP machine (I know, I know, its my work desktop) and Zend Framework preview release 1.3. I’m using it to index the files in a local copy of DokuWiki – this is an easy starting point as the pages are text files and all held in directories.
I have a library file which has some settings used both when building the index and when searching it. This file also includes a function which turns the url of the returned page into a path that dokuwiki can understand.
The indexing page starts from $startpoint (set in zend_lib.php) and recurses into directories indexing file size, url and content of each file.
The search page shows some searching tips and a search box. When a search is performed it then prints links to the pages in dokuwiki and their relevance, ordered by relevance.
I’m so excited that I’m including the files here for now and might think about turning this into a proper dokuwiki plugin – although, personally I like their current search functionality, this current exercise is a PHB requirement. Here are the files: