Replacement Love-Knot Wrap
A few years ago, when my little sister turned 21, I made her a crochet love-knot wrap. She’s used it (as a warm scarf) since then but recently lost it moving between multiple different places in the French Alps while working as a nanny for a hotel chain. So I made her a new one:

Its the same design as before, using a “love knot” or “Solomon’s knot” stitch to create an airy web of a wrap that can be worn either over the shoulders or bundled into a scarf as shown. I used a cotton tape yarn since she’s just about to leave again to go and work in Portugal so woolly wouldn’t be a good choice, this yarn used to be a cardigan I bought but it had daft sleeves so I unravelled them but never did anything better.

Its the same design as before, using a “love knot” or “Solomon’s knot” stitch to create an airy web of a wrap that can be worn either over the shoulders or bundled into a scarf as shown. I used a cotton tape yarn since she’s just about to leave again to go and work in Portugal so woolly wouldn’t be a good choice, this yarn used to be a cardigan I bought but it had daft sleeves so I unravelled them but never did anything better.
The scarf laid out and a closeup of the beads:
Here’s hoping she hangs onto this one at least as long as she managed for the last – safe travels, little one!
Thank you! its lovely! i promise to try not to loose it… but i was trying not to loose the last one! xx