Building on Datapoint: Weather With Icons
To achieve this, I hit the datapoint API from PHP (but if you use any other scripting language this should be easy enough to follow):
<?php $leeds_site_id = '352241'; $fcast_url = '' . $leeds_site_id . '?res=3hourly&key=' . $api_key; $fcast = json_decode(file_get_contents($fcast_url), true); foreach($fcast['SiteRep']['DV']['Location']['Period'] as $day) { $fdate = new DateTime($day['value']); echo $fdate->format('D jS M') . "\n";; foreach($day['Rep'] as $slot) { if($slot['$'] > 0) { // makes 3, 12 into 0300 and 1200 respectively echo str_pad(($slot['$'] / 60) . "00", 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } else { // avoid divide by zero echo "0000"; } echo ": " . "<img src="images/" /> " . $weathers[$slot['W']] . "<br />\n"; } } // lovely nounproject icons need some attribution echo $attr;
I live in Leeds so I’ve used the site_id
for that city (annoyingly they don’t seem to document them, just request all locations for one time period and then grab whichever one you want is my advice). When you build the URL like this, the response is in JSON format so I convert that quickly to an array and then foreach over the various forecasts. One challenge is figuring out what time the forecast relates to, I’m certain this can’t be the most elegant solution but it does seem to work!
I also added pretty images, by taking the list of weather types and grabbing some icons to work with those. So my HTML output ends up (not styled because I’m pasting it into the middle of my blog, but you get the idea) looking like this:
Tue 18th Dec
Wed 19th Dec
1500:Heavy rain
1800:Heavy rain
2100:Heavy rain
Thu 20th Dec
0000:Heavy rain
0300:Heavy rain
0600:Heavy rain
0900:Heavy rain
1200:Light rain
1500:Heavy rain
1800:Light rain
Fri 21st Dec
1500:Partly cloudy (day)
1800:Partly cloudy (night)
2100:Partly cloudy (night)
Sat 22nd Dec
0900:Light rain
1200:Heavy rain
1500:Heavy rain
1800:Light rain
2100:Light rain
Icons by Adam Whitcroft, from The Noun Project
This is a nice way of illustrating one of the data fields that comes from the datapoint API, and I love the excellent icons, they are wonderfully clear and well made (most of the icons on this site are noun project icons). In fact you could use any of the various data points with any output mechanism you please … my next datapoint post will probably be about how I use this data with my blink(1) :)
Hi LornaJane,
I found your article when researching the datapoint API (although I started from
I just thought I’d mention I think the time formatting in your example could be simplified. I went with :
sprintf(“%02d” ,($timeNum / 60)) . “:00”;
There is no need to protect against dividing by zero – its dividing by 60 :-)
All the best,