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CodeigniterCon 2010
I saw two talks, both of which were actually really good, which is pretty impressive when you’re going on stage to a rather fed up audience! Kudos to Kevin Prince and Joel Gascoigne for their talks. By this time we did get an announcement about what times the other talks would happen and I snuck out for lunch and cups of tea.
When I popped back (I assume there was a long lunch as I didn’t get there until almost 4 and still caught the last two talks) I saw Adam Griffiths and Phil Sturgeon round off the day with their talks, and I must admit that I think the talk content was spot on, although the speakers were mostly pretty inexperienced, they all had some great thoughts to share and I did get some technical content from it (and a list of new friends, thanks Phil!)
I had been looking forward to the conference social but after hanging about in a strange city on my own waiting for a promised tweet of time and location, I bailed. The people I met at cicon were a nice crowd and I’m sure it would have been fun but I got some other stuff done instead which was also useful.
In summary: nice people, useful content. worst event I think I’ve ever been to (sorry guys).
I tweeted about my disappointment and got a couple of people asking me what my advice is for events organisers. I’ve now done a few technical events and will wrap up my advice into a post (now I’ve outlined it, probably more than one post!) so look out for that over the next few weeks.
(as a total aside but kind of for the record, for an event with 40 ish people, I was disappointed to be the only woman there)
Leeds PHP User Group
Meetings are the third Monday of the month, so the next one is 16th August where we’ll have Ben Waine speak about Xdebug. If you’re within commute of Leeds, then you should definitely head along there one month, look forward to seeing you!!
3 Top Tips for Database Naming
Singular and Plural
This goes for table names, and also for the names of join tables. If you call your tables “user” and “group” then you probably want your linking tables to be “user_group”. If you go for plurals (my personal favourite) then be consistent over whether the linking tables are called “user_groups” or “users_groups”.
ID Columns
I’ve seen two main variations on the column names for primary keys, one is to call them all simply “id”, and the other is to name them after their table name such as “user_id” or “group_id”. It doesn’t really matter but my recommendation is for the latter – that way, the user_id column in any other table clearly joins on to the user_id column in the users table, making it easy to read and understand.
Case and Capitalisation
Due to my EXtreme DOuble CApitalitis, I prefer everything to be lower case, but the key is consistency, so that it is easy for developers to get used to the patterns in the database setup and to develop against your schema without having to refer back to it all the time.
Consistency is Key
In general, I like database schemas which are predictable and well-laid-out. Although I have my own preferred conventions, I don’t mind what is used so long as it is predominantly in step with itself – this makes my life as a developer so much easier! What’s your top tip for sane database naming conventions? Leave a comment and let me know!
Migrating Github Contributors to an Organization
In fact, all I had to do was update my upstream remote on my local repo – I set this up following the excellent github forking instructions when I first forked the repo. All I did then was to check my remotes:
git remote
This showed my remotes with the “upstream” pointing to the old repo. So I copied the URL of the organization repo, removed the old version and added a new upstream:
git remote rm upstream
git remote add upstream git://
Everything now behaves as before while handling the new central repo for the project – hopefully this helps others with projects moving from user accounts to organizations (or organisations, as I keep typing, British spellings as always!)
Garage Clearance
They do house clearances and were even able to take the old gas bottles out of the garage, I was happy to know they would recycle stuff, and they just brought a truck and loaded it all up themselves, I only stopped working long enough to sign the paperwork and write the cheque :)
Keynoting at PHPNW10
The talk is Teach A Man To Fish: Coaching Development Teams and really it’s about how a little investment of time or effort can build your existing team into something better – and how that team can then sustain its improvements and continue to raise its performance and the game of the individual team members. All in all I am pretty excited about this talk – as with most of my conference talks, it started life as a rant in a bar, and I’m now excited to be preparing it for a more formal setting!
The event itself is a must-see for anyone doing PHP or allied technologies that can get there (Manchester is pretty central and pretty cheap – if you’re in the UK, you have no excuses!). It’s a Saturday event, 9th October 2010 and tickets are on sale – the Early Bird prices are still available and we’ve held the prices as low as possible again, we don’t need frills, we just want lots of people to be able to join in! I hope to see quite a few of you there, let me know if you’re coming :)
I am a wordpress user and even wrote a plugin once, but I’m an outsider in terms of community so I was looking forward to finding out more about the people involved with wordpress. I expected to meet some friendly folk and I was not disappointed at all – there was a wonderful range of people there, right from people wanting to start a blog to people making a living from wordpress development, and everyone in between. I attended talks on testing the internals of wordpress through to some case studies of sites built using it (thanks @simonwheatley) as well as sessions on plugins, business, and web technologies.
My biggest thankyou of the weekend goes to the Genius @pgibbs who took the time to reply to my tweet-appeal for someone to review my wordpress plugin and spent a good chunk of his afternoon wading through my newbie code – I got loads of great pointers, thanks Paul!
The event ended on a slightly contraversial note with some input from the Automattic people who had come over to attend the event – they’re putting a lot of work into improving the support for the communities running the WordCamps, which should have been good news, but one of the things that will change is that there’s a move away from having WordCamp
edit: I forgot to say I made a particular new friend, @apeei – you can see us here
SugarCRM 6 Installation Error
After a couple of times around the loop I looked properly at the warnings on that final page before the “install” button, and made some php.ini changes in line with what it requested – increasing the memory_limit and the upload_file_size. I also installed php5-curl (I’m an ubuntu user so this is just an aptitude package for me) and the install ran like a dream at that point. I’m disappointed that SugarCRM couldn’t give me better feedback than just a 404, but it seems like it needed some settings that I didn’t have – so if you see the same behaviour, don’t give up but heed the warnings and it should be able to install itself absolutely fine. Hope this helps!
Giving Up The Day Job
The slightly longer version really is this. Two and a half years ago, I left a job at a type of company I usually describe as a yet-another-website company, where literally every new project was another CMS website. Which was fun for about the first 4 months and got old pretty quickly. Two and a half years at Ibuildings and I haven’t done yet-another-anything, the projects have been technical, challenging and my colleagues are the best qualified set of people I’ll probably ever work with.
Along the way I’ve also done a wide variety of other things, most of which are achievements beyond my wildest dreams, some within the scope of this job and some on my own time but of course influenced by all that I’ve learned. I’ve delivered training, led projects, been published, become a regular conference speaker and travelled internationally doing so, collaborated on an open source project, edited a developer portal and hosted a major international PHP conference. I’ve even learned to say those things about myself in public without feeling too much of a fraud!
At this point, there are so many things I want to be doing, writing, speaking and so on, as well as some interesting development projects, that holding down my 9-5 as well has become untenable; that’s the main motivation for this change. I don’t intend to take another full time job, although I don’t have a lot of paying work lined up so please bear in mind that I am looking for some ;)
Things I would like to be doing:
- Working with development teams on skills, tools and process (think teach a man to fish, rather than sell him a fish)
- API development
- Technical writing
- Meeting cool and interesting people and embarking on cool and interesting projects together
Advice on achieving any or all of the above is appreciated – if any of you can also think of me when discussing business, write me a linked in recommendation, or retweet my announcement of my news, that would be fabulous!!
If you’re still reading, then I’ll share a little something with you. I decided that with a career move, I needed a little rebrand, so here is my new angel avatar. I hope you like her :)
Wish me luck in my new (ad)venture, I’ll be keeping everyone up to date as always!