There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
I guess we’ve all seen this geek witticism, its a little piece of the fabric of the culture. Personally I split people into two groups along other lines: those that look out for their own professional interests, and those who don’t. I’m an optimist, so lets start out looking at those who do.
These people are self-starters. They have read relevant texts on their subject and depending on the type of industry they are from they either have blogs, news and syndication sites on their feed reader, or they subscribe to the relevant periodicals. You’ll see them at some of the events, sometimes a long way from home, and always “off their own bat”. They’ll be asking questions about how different technologies go together, about who they could approach with a particular question, and so on. If you mention web resources, they’ll go there and read what’s available. They might come back with follow-up questions. And they will be the first to also help another along his way, passing along the gifts that they have been given from those who went before and helped them to this point.
Then there’s the other kind of people. The kind that doesn’t have books of its own, that doesn’t interact with communities outside of work, and that “can’t” go to events because their employers don’t send them. I understand that money and time are both something that can be in short supply, yet I still have little patience with people who have this attitude. None of us can be everywhere that would be useful, but one event a year is do-able for most people, and in my opinion career development shouldn’t be free and effortless.
So – which kind of person are you? If its the first kind, what do you do to ensure you keep learning and keep growing? Post your stories in the comments!