
ChatOps With Hubot

VelocityConf, October 2015
My first VelocityConf presentation but ChatOps was just the thing for a Friday afternoon!


Pick Your Git Branching Strategy

GitHub Community Meetup, October 2015
A short talk giving a bit of an overview of the various ingredients that might be useful when designing a branching strategy for your team.


What To Expect From PHP 7

OSCON, October 2015
With PHP 7 just around the corner, I was blown away to be presenting on this topic at OSCON!


ChatOps With Hubot

TechnologyUG, October 2015
Always good news when a conference comes to my home town so I was delighted to kick off the TechnologyUG event in Leeds with this ChatOps talk. Good crowd and some good chatter about the topic in the hallway afterwards!