
Could you Telecommute?

DayCamp4Developers, March 2011
After having a ball presenting at the first DayCamp4Developers, I’m very happy to be invited to join the party the second time around! I’ll be giving a talk entitled “Could You Telecommute?”, talking about how telecommuting may not work for everyone, and some strategies for helping yourself make it work.




Design Patterns

PHP East Midlands User Group, March 2011
Delighted that this relatively new user group is running along strongly and has also managed to organise me to visit them and speak! I love getting to the user groups and am delighted to get to this one in particular for the first time.


Community Corner

php|architect Magazine, January 2011
php|architect have kicked off a new column for the new year, and I was lucky enough to get to write the first installment! This will be a regular slot with news and views from community leaders around the world, talking about what’s happening near them and why community is important.

Subscription content, but it’s worth a look http://phparch.com – you want January 2011


Speaking Tips for Developers

PHP Unconference Europe, February 2011
This was a shock as I had put the suggestion into the online system for the unconference some months earlier and it hadn’t got many votes. It didn’t get loads at the unconf either, but it just got enough to make it into the schedule and everyone immediately demanded it be scheduled first so they could get some tips for their own talks!! So yes, a not-very-slick talk about how to be slick when talking. And with no slides, since I hate them and wasn’t expecting to be giving this talk anyway – I did have a lot of people say they picked up some new tips and felt more confident about speaking after they saw the session so I’m really pleased about that!



Running a Project with Github

PHP Unconference Europe, February 2011
I put this talk together as a suggestion for the unconference and it was accepted! The event itself was excellent, I thought it would be good and was still surprised by the quality of the sessions and in particular the quality of the crowd in attendance. This talk basically gives a tour of the (mostly github) tools we use for joind.in, our opne source project, and how those fit together, why we chose them, and why they work for us.
