
Community Corner: Building A New API

php|architect, August 2011
As part of the regular column I share with a bunch of other user group people, this month I’m published again, this time telling the story of how the wider community have nudged me into building a much better API for Joind.In that I would have come up with on my own. It’s subscription content, but well worth a read see this month’s full contents here

Open Source Your Career

OggCamp, August 2011
Having spoken at the last two years of oggcamp, I was absolutely delighted to get an invitation for their scheduled track and speak on their main stage this year. This is the event where I learn things I never knew I needed to know, and this year was no exception!

(no slides, because I speak without them)



Going Freelance

PHPNW, August 2011
For this year’s lightning talks night I presented a fast brain-dump on everything I now know about being freelance – a year after making the leap.


PHP Features: Data structures in PHP

.net Magazine, June 2011
Super-excited to be published again in netmag, they didn’t hold back from the geeky topics when they agreed to let me write about the datastructures we have available in PHP. This article covers a bit about SPL and some information (plus real examples of course) about some of the structures PHP gives us in the SPL library. You can order back issues of this magazine – it’s issue 217

Understanding Distributed Source Control

DIBI, June 2011
Did someone say “technical conference” and “north east” in the same sentence? I am delighted to be speaking at this 2-track designer/developer conference at the Sage in Newcastle in June.
