PHPNW 2008 – 22nd November

The event is aimed at people working with, or wanting to work with, PHP in the north of England. We’ll have a selection of sessions, with the technical content intended to be accessible to a whole range of audiences – it will also be multi-track so there’s sure to be plenty of material to interest you, whatever your background. We will be having a call for papers for the sessions, and we’re hoping that we’ll get some good submissions – particularly from senior developers around the area and the wider UK. Whether you’re hoping to speak, hoping to learn, looking for a good crowd to mingle with on a Saturday, or you just really like PHP geeks – put 22nd November in your diary and I hope I’ll see you there!!
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this event, just let me know (I’m not organising the whole thing but I’m helping!), either by leaving a comment or by contacting me directly.
I’m very interesting in coming along and doing a presentation. Please let me know when you’re ready to accept submissions for presentations :)
Best regards,
I've got a number of blog posts in the pipeline waiting to be finished but this one is more urgent
Stuart: That would be great – the call for papers will hopefully open in the next week or two, once we get the main site up. I’ll also announce it here so look out for it :)
Great, nice to see I shall definitely be signing up
The main conference site is now live, and the call for papers is open – see