Ibuildings Seminar, Leeds

I’m happy to announce that Ibuildings is venturing north of the Watford Gap – and the next event will be in Leeds, on the 9th September, the full details are at http://www.ibuildings.com/events/leeds. The main tutorial session will cover source control with Subversion, including advanced concepts such as merging and repository structures. We’ll also look at deployment strategies for different types of software development processes and tools that can be helpful in this area. I’m delivering the main tutorial at this event, and if that wasn’t enough incentive, I’m also bringing the nabaztag as my glamourous assistant!
We’ll be running events in a lot of other areas of the UK as well, so if you can’t make this one then watch out for more announcements or tell us where we should be running the next one! If you have any queries about any of these events then feel free to contact me, I hope I’ll see some of you in Leeds in September.
Too bad it is in UK i would love to come to Nederland and combine it with a nice visit in NL but just for the seminar flying to UK is a bit much even it is an intresting topic, so i gonna watch out for Handouts.
how much stock do you have in Violet, the company that manufactures the Nabaztag? I mean, you’re sure that most attendees at that seminar will want a Nabaztag after seeing it in action ;)
Johny: I’ll see what I can do, thanks for dropping in and expressing an interest!
Stefan: Violet stock is pretty worthless since all the problems they’ve been having with the changes to the protocol, so I’m happy to say I have none.
Sounds good…
I’ll have to check the HodgeDiary
Hi! One of your posts some months ago inspired me to develop an app to emulate the mouse with the keyboard.
The final result at: http://www.topkeys.net
I am having a lot of fun with it. It was developed in Java but unfortunatly because it uses global hotkey registering, at the moment I have only the WIN32 version available.
The demo has the P-key disabled.
Dominic: Would be great to see you of course :)
Daniel: interesting project! I’m pleased to see more people taking non-mouse requirements more seriously.
Is the Subversion seminar likely to make it to London in the future? A couple of my colleagues would be very interested…and making it to Leeds for 9am looks a bit optimistic!
Simon: I have no idea but I’ll put a vote in for you if you like – there will be a series and they move around the country on different topics so hopefully we can sort something out :)