I’m a big fan of the google charts API – it draws much better-looking graphs than I would ever manage and all I have to do is assemble the right URL to make it work. I recently got a feature request to add QR codes to joind.in, so that speakers and event admins could easily allow people to link in to a particular talk page. Continue reading →
When I moved this blog to wordpress a few weeks ago, I got a lot of questions about its implementation and setup. Today I’m sharing a list of all the plugins I have enabled, with a little description of what they are and what they do. Continue reading →
Since relaunching this site, with actual design rather than several shades of pink thrown together, I’ve become more aware of being consistent in presentation. With this in mind, I wanted add the same fonts to Ubuntu that are used here. Continue reading →
Planning an event of any kind? Let me share with you what I have learned so far about how the numbers for these things actually work and how to understand the “what to charge” vs “how many people” balance. Continue reading →
I’m updating my web services tutorial session at the moment for the PHPNW Tutorial Day. I switch the order of the topics around every time, in an effort to make it more digestible, and I thought I’d share. Continue reading →
If you’re reading this on a feed, you might like to click in to inspect the new look which has now arrived on lornajane.net! I’ve moved all my existing content to wordpress, and the lovely people at magmadigital made the theme that you see here. Continue reading →