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Authenticating with OAuth from PHP
Missing pcre.h when installing pecl_oauth
Error: /usr/include/php5/ext/pcre/php_pcre.h:29:18: error: pcre.h: No such file or directory
I didn’t have the header files for pcre installed – in ubuntu the headers are in the -dev packages so I just installed what I needed:
sudo aptitude install libpcre3-dev
Re-attempting the pecl install, everything worked as expected. This is on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, and from reading around you’d want to install the same package in response to this error message, regardless of what you were doing to cause it. Hope this helps someone.
Celebrating 10 Years
Speaking at PHP London, October 2010
Tips for Event Hosting: Content, Feedback and Socials
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Day Camp For Developers
There are a number of things that really appeal to me about this event: Continue reading
Serendipity Template Update
Book Review: The Art of Community
I bought this book last year when I was still working at Ibuildings, and my role changed a lot to include events and community representation. Before that I was doing entirely PHP development and it was around this time that I noticed myself saying “has everyone forgotten I’m actually a developer?” a lot! So I quickly decided that I needed a copy of The Art of Community, a book by Jono Bacon published by O’Reilly. Actually, I should thank O’Reilly at this point for publishing the book and even more so for sending Josette and her book stand to conferences – I was able to buy the book and it came with a pep talk :)
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Indexes on Tables
Too often though, they don’t think about how that data will be retrieved or what the implications are when it gets beyond the thousand records that were used for testing. This is where having an idea of how the data will be retrieved can really help application performance. (note: this article is aimed at users of traditional relational databases, and ignores all other possibilities). This post takes a look at the various index types and when to use them. Continue reading