Tag Archives: work
Internal DevRel: Colleague Enablement
What Happened to your Blog?
What does a Developer Advocate do?
New Book: PHP Web Services

I’m delighted to announce that my new book “PHP Web Services” is now available as an early release! This is a project that I’ve been working hard on for the last few months, trying to put my extensive and hard-won experience of working with APIs into words and examples to make it easy for others to get up to speed in this area.
Study Days: Keeping on Top of the New Shiny
I take “study days”.
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Two Years of Trading
Upcoming PHP Courses

Celebrating One Year in Business
Well, I still don’t know what I want to do next, but that seems like less of a problem these days. I’m busy but in a planned-in-advance, only wearing myself down because there was something so exciting I couldn’t say no, kind of a way. I am not a great fan of travel, and have always tried to avoid it, but in fact so many interesting things came up this year that I ended up on the road more than ever. It turns out that there is a world of difference between being sent somewhere on short notice, and planning a series of interesting professional engagements that just happen to involve being away from home a lot all at once. And if I don’t want to go: I don’t go. It’s amazing how many people will wait til next month if you ask them!
A Book Burndown Chart
I’m completely new to book-writing and it felt like a mountain to climb. I have five chapters of around 8 thousand words each to write for the book (I have co-authors, who are also lovely), and the general advice I got was to just take it all one step at a time. This sounds a lot like the way I teach project management and time management to developers, so I used those same skills and created a burndown chart (I blogged about creating these before):
As you can see, there have been some great days, and some quieter days. The flat lines are mostly weekends or days where I was out of the office with other clients. Although I feel slightly overwhelmed (and this doesn’t show the edits that come back after I submit each chapter), the graph is at least going in the right direction!