OpenAPI Description using API key and secret

I’ve been working on a few OpenAPI descriptions of APIs lately, and really enjoying the benefits they bring. In particular the ability to import into Postman as a collection I think is a “killer feature” for APIs looking to get developers up and running quickly. The catch? I found that an API that needs an API key and secret, or a username and password/token, is supposed to be described with multiple security schemes – but this does not play nicely with tools like Postman. Continue reading

Using Tags in your OpenAPI Spec

Working with OpenAPI is bringing so many possibilities to the way that developers work with APIs, it’s exciting! The spec is very comprehensive though and I’ve found myself answering questions on individual aspects of it recently, so I thought I’d capture one or two of those things here. Today: tags. Continue reading

Ready-to-wear API Collections with OpenAPI and Postman

Have you noticed that API providers are starting to offer “descriptions” of their APIs? These are usually OpenAPI specifications, computer-readable documents that describe every aspect of an API’s endpoints. They can be used to generate documentation, SDKs, but now they can also be used for my favourite API-related activity: poking around! Postman just added a feature to allow importing OpenAPIs and I love it. Continue reading

Generating PHP library code from OpenAPI

I’m working with a bunch of OpenAPI specs now I am working for Nexmo and so far I’m loving working with API descriptions. OpenAPI is the next iteration of what used to be called “Swagger”, a machine-readable way to describe your API and from that description create docs, code libraries, tests, and all sorts. Today’s post is a quick writeup of how I generated some PHP code so that I can refer back to this next time I want to do it! Continue reading