Visualise OpenAPI with Blockly

Giving talks about OpenAPI often means lots and lots of slides of YAML. In fact, one of my talks even contains a “warning, contains yaml” slide! If you aren’t a professional yaml developer, it can be difficult to digest and learn from, and so I wanted to do better. The various elements are nested inside one another, and so I had this idea to build a representation of OpenAPI using Blockly (the tooling also used for Scratch, if you’ve seen that).

Showing tags with descriptions
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Tips for better documentation with OpenAPI

I love documentation, which is supposed to be rare for software engineers. I am pretty sure that loving documentation is actually very common, but not very cool and so few people admit to it! I love reading good docs, and so I love writing them too. Between hanging out in the Write the Docs community, and recently being at the APItheDocs conference, I’ve answered a bunch of questions about getting good documentation from an OpenAPI document, so I thought I’d round them up in case it’s useful. Continue reading

Improve Existing OpenAPI Descriptions

I’m a firm fan of a design-first approach to building APIs, and advocate for it at every opportunity. Repeatedly. Design-first means that an API change starts in the OpenAPI description, gets reviewed and approved by the stakeholders, and then gets built afterwards.

I also live in the real world, where OpenAPI descriptions get generated from existing codebases, and engineering teams lack either the knowledge or the enthusiasm to modernise their processes. With a generated OpenAPI description, everything else that OpenAPI enables is likely to be disappointing, because the description only contains the information that was in the serverside code, and if you’re lucky some comment metadata. Enter OpenAPI Overlays, a way to describe alterations to an existing OpenAPI description that can be reapplied every time that description changes. Continue reading

What’s New in OpenAPI 3.1

With OpenAPI 3.1 coming “soon”, I gave a talk at APIDays Paris about what to expect. But I’m a great fan of the written word as reference so here’s a written recap of what’s in the next OpenAPI release.

Top features:
– Compatible with JSON Schema 2020-12
– Webhook support
– Many other minor improvements
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Creating a Simple OpenAPI Spec

Having API descriptions in your workflow is a game-changer, but how do you get from nothing to a functioning spec in the first place? I recently made a very simple spec for a very simple API, and thought it might make a good example for anyone looking to create a spec for the first time. OpenAPI specs are very verbose so this very tiny API makes quite a manageable example! Continue reading

Custom OpenAPI Style Rules with Spectral

Edit: There’s a newer post on this topic using Redocly CLI.

I work quite a bit with OpenAPI specs and with lots of specs and lots of collaborators, keeping the specs all functional (never mind tidy, consistent, or other dreamwords) is a challenge! We use spectral to check our specs, both when we work on them and in the build process. Spectral is great but it has Opinions(TM)!

For most users, running Spectral out of the box gives quite a lot of output even on an otherwise valid spec. I do think the default ruleset for Spectral is pretty good, but every situation is different so having your own ruleset to use is a good idea. This post shows how to use a ruleset and some examples. Continue reading

Teach Your API Test Platform to Send Callbacks

I already wrote about using Prism as an API test platform but I didn’t include an example with callbacks so this post is to fill that gap! If you didn’t read the previous post, the tl;dr is that Prism is a nodejs open source tool that can take your OpenAPI specification and then do an impression of your live API, validating the API calls sent to it and responding with the example data described in the spec. It can also follow up the API response and send an HTTP request of its own to mock the callbacks described in your OpenAPI spec. Continue reading

Instant Test API Platforms with Prism

I’ve been writing a bit about OpenAPI lately and I realised that I didn’t share how I’m creating local, test versions of production APIs to work with while I develop new client code or test SDK features. The recipe is simple: you will need an API spec, the excellent open source tool Prism and an HTTP client. Mix it up and be ready to change your API development workflows forever. Continue reading

OpenAPI Description using API key and secret

I’ve been working on a few OpenAPI descriptions of APIs lately, and really enjoying the benefits they bring. In particular the ability to import into Postman as a collection I think is a “killer feature” for APIs looking to get developers up and running quickly. The catch? I found that an API that needs an API key and secret, or a username and password/token, is supposed to be described with multiple security schemes – but this does not play nicely with tools like Postman. Continue reading

Using Tags in your OpenAPI Spec

Working with OpenAPI is bringing so many possibilities to the way that developers work with APIs, it’s exciting! The spec is very comprehensive though and I’ve found myself answering questions on individual aspects of it recently, so I thought I’d capture one or two of those things here. Today: tags. Continue reading