API Evangelist Conversation

Short video chat with Kin Lane of API evangelist. Read more and catch the video over on his site: https://apievangelist.com/2024/10/17/api-evangelist-conversation-with-lorna-mitchell-vp-of-developer-experience-at-redocly/

Open Standards for APIs

I work or have worked with APIs of all sorts of standards, sometimes many standards at once – or none. Each standard exists for a purpose and might be a great fit, or a terrible fit for other purposes. Today’s … Continue reading

API Description Pipelines

Working on API tools, I get to see inside lots of different organisations’ API projects and processes. Every scenario is different, but a common theme is that many companies use a more complicated API description workflow than you see in … Continue reading

Intro to OpenAPI

There was an APIs track at FOSDEM this year, and I was delighted to open proceedings with an OpenAPI talk. The room was FULL so I hope we get to do it again some time!! View Introduction to OpenAPI on … Continue reading

Redocly and OpenAPI

First time as a guest on the APIs you won’t hate podcast, chatting with Phil Sturgeon about what’s going on at Redocly, what’s happening in OpenAPI, and what’s coming up in the next release of OpenAPI, codenamed moonwalk. Episode page:

API Linting Levels

I’ve been thinking about API linting lately, partly because I work on a tool for API linting in my day job, and partly because I get quite a lot of questions from teams wanting to improve their API quality. The … Continue reading