PHP and Git Training Course Dates

I’ve had a little flurry of enquiries about training lately, so I thought I’d mention the courses I have coming up, as especially the PHP ones are topics that I don’t run public classes on all that often. At the time of writing I have some space on all of these classes:

  • Git Foundations, Dublin, 12th March. Ideal workshop for getting you either started or properly confident with daily git tasks.
  • Object Oriented PHP, Dublin, 13th March. Take your PHP skills to the next level, come and learn about the concepts and code of OOP, with some Design Patterns in play to illustrate how useful OOP is.
  • PHP Tools, Dublin, 14th March. Practical day of working with a bunch of PHP tools: Composer, phing, PEAR, phpdoc, phpcs, and probably a few more!
  • Git Foundations, Ljubljana, 14th/15th April. Again, good intro or skill-solidifying course, these are two one-day courses.
  • Advanced Git, Ljubjana, 17th/18th April. My favourite because it is the “what do you need to know?” course :) Typically this includes branching, merging, rebasing, branching strategies, good config tricks and probably some other tangents along the way.

Hopefully you’ll be able to join one of the courses if they sound useful to you; if you’re not sure if they will be a good fit or if you have any questions, just drop me a mail and I’ll be happy to figure it out with you.

Detailed information for all courses on my training dates page, where you can find booking information and also a form to tell me which course I should be running, and where!

4 thoughts on “PHP and Git Training Course Dates

  1. A Git Foundations online course would be great! (for people like me at the other side of the sea)
    By the way the list of courses look great and pretty interesting. Best regards

  2. Hi Lorna,

    Just wanted to say that yesterday’s GIT course at TCube in Dublin was a great day. I learnt lots (I’ll now bring branching and push/pull remote repos to my student teams), and the day went at a comfortable pace while covering all the topics I came along to learn. Hopefully I can make it to one of your PHP courses in the future.

    I hope you enjoy your visit to Dublin.


    .. matt ..

  3. A Git Foundations online course would be great! (for people like me at the other side of the sea)
    By the way the list of courses look great and pretty interesting. Best regards

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