There’s a slide deck, some exercises and a sample repo on GitHub … let’s dive in! Continue reading
Tag Archives: training
PHP and Git Training Course Dates
Upcoming Git Courses
- Dublin, 30th January: Git and GitHub Foundations
- Dublin, 31st January: Git and GitHub Advanced
- London, 6th February: Git for Teams
I have fantastic partners for these events: the Dublin ones are with Github and the London ones with FLOSSUK, and I look forward to both. Right now they all do still have places remaining, visit my courses page for the links you need to book. Training days are a great opportunity to boost your skills and discuss specific aspects of technology that you can’t really get from a textbook – hope to see you at one of these sessions, I am standing by for difficult questions :)
The Mathematics of Recruitment and Training
This isn’t a rant about salaries, the skills of new graduates, or the trials of dealing with recruiters, although each of those is worth a post in itself. It’s about the mathematics of providing your organisation with the talent it needs at the time that it needs it. Continue reading
Teaching Those Beginning The Journey
PHP for Drupalistas
This spring Emma Jane and Lorna Jane were chatting about PHP and Drupal and workshops and came to the conclusion that Drupal developers were not necessarily equipped for Drupal 8. With all of the Drupalisms in the Drupal code, it can sometimes be difficult to implement code that is both a Drupal best practice and a PHP best practice. While there are many workshops on how to teach PHP developers how to Drupal, there were no workshops teaching Drupal developers how to PHP. Until now!
My theory is that most developers working with CMSes like Drupal think they don’t know much PHP … but of course they actually know quite a lot! The newer versions make more use of OOP and new PHP features, but nothing that’s really rocket science (although the symfony components are very nice). This course is a chance for us to give a more solid grounding to those skills that developers just pick up along the way, and give some time to master those skills in a safe environment. Continue reading
5 Things To Do With A Training Budget of Zero
Upcoming PHP Courses

Why I Love Unconferences
Printable PDF Handouts from OpenOffice Impress
I’m an ubuntu user, and it turns out that there’s a clever package called cups-pdf which installs a pretend printer, and anything you could print, you can turn into a PDF. Brilliant. I installed it with aptitude and instantly I had a printer named “PDF” which printed to a /home/lorna/PDF directory.
Did I mention I love ubuntu?
I also wanted to add a cover page to my document, before I sent the whole thing to the printers in a PDF file for them to print and bind. For this I simply created an OpenOffice document and used the usual export to PDF. By the magic of twitter, I got some great advice from EmmaJane and installed the package PDFShuffler which enabled me to combine the two documents and save the result as a PDF.
By the magic of open source, I have beautiful handouts :) Printing in Linux really has come a long way, I can’t thank the developers and maintainers of all those libraries enough – all I did was install two packages!