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PHP and Gearman: Unable to connect after upgrade
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The details are on the Upcoming page for the event, see you on Tuesday 5th!
I take “study days”.
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This is a virtual conference, held a few times each year. I’ve spoken at some of the previous events and been really impressed by how smoothly something quite intangible can run! The next event is on Friday 22nd March and is about public speaking – but aimed specifically at developers. If you want to speak at a user group or conference, or be able to get through presentations at work without stress, then this session will give you some good pointers. The speakers are three excellent conference presenters – and me :) I love this format, what else are you doing on a Friday (especially for Europe, where this doesn’t start until our afternoon)? You can register and find out more about the event here Did I mention that tickets are $40? You can also sign up to get the recordings if the date/time doesn’t work out for you.
There’s been lots of fuss lately about women speakers at conferences, or the lack of them. The low percentage of women in technology and a missing tendency to put ourselves forward for things means that this isn’t going to change any time soon. However if you’ve been thinking about speaking, then you should know about an online group WeAreAllAwesome which is a meeting point for women speakers to brainstorm ideas for topics, put abstracts together, and share experiences on how to give a good talk. Our office hours are 6-7pm UK time on Tuesdays, and I’m one of the mentors in that project, so if you might speak or just want to join in chatter with women who do, then you know where to find us :) Continue reading
I used a tool called pdftk which is excellent, I’ve used it before for doing various other PDF-related things. To grab metadata such as bookmarks, use the dump-data command, like this:
pdftk myfile.pdf dump_data | grep BookmarkTitle > outline.txt
The above line takes all the bookmarks from the PDF (this was a slide deck created using powerdot and LaTeX, the section and slide titles nest appropriately), and outputs a bunch of information about the document and the various PDFs. The grep
command just gets the lines containing “BookmarkTitle”, then the whole thing gets written to a file. I cleaned that up and now I have the outline of my course, so I can add timings, notes for the exercises and so on.
See you there!