There’s a slide deck, some exercises and a sample repo on GitHub … let’s dive in! Continue reading
Using Tags in your OpenAPI Spec
Windows removed my grub menu
My work machine is a Windows PC, with dual boot to the Ubuntu partition that I actually use. Sometimes, when booting Windows, it “repairs” its disks and removes my grub menu, booting straight into Windows without showing me the grub menu.
To fix this: interrupt the startup, choose the boot device and pick the Ubuntu partition from the list.
Once booted, you can boot-repair
to sort out grub – I also travel with a boot disk, just in case!
Ready-to-wear API Collections with OpenAPI and Postman
Test Web Requests with a Local RequestBin
configuration. Continue reading Are you Creating, Curating or Consuming?
Creating content is all about putting your own creations out for others to share. I’ve had this blog longer than I care to discuss and certainly since before microblogging was really a thing. It’s much lower investment to throw out a quick tweet about something and in lots of cases it’s a more appropriate medium Continue reading
Generating PHP library code from OpenAPI
How NOT to Review a Pull Request
Managing Environment Variables in PHP
Make a POST Request from PHP With Guzzle
requests from PHP … and I’d do it completely differently today. So, in an attempt to overcome some of the past crimes of the Internet in general and PHP in particular: here’s how to make a POST request in PHP, today, in a PHP 7+ world (it probably works in PHP 5 too). Continue reading