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Sphinx front matter and template variables
Use Database Connection Strings with Laravel 8
Hold Attention on the Virtual Stage
I don’t. Continue reading
Define Navigation Structure in a Sphinx Project
Considering Developer Relations as a Career Move
There are so many different Developer Relations roles (called “DevRel”) that I am definitely going to fall short of covering them all in any sort of detail! My own background is in Software Engineering, and I’ve mostly worked as a Developer Advocate since making the move into DevRel, so that’s my context here. Continue reading
Best Things About Developer Advocacy
Measuring Repo Community Health with GitHub’s API
With that in mind, I wanted to look at GitHub’s Community Health measure of the repositories I’m responsible for. You can view each repo’s community page separately through the web interface (look under “Insights”) but that’s not especially scalable if you have a lot of projects to track.
From Spreadsheet to Database with ddlgenerator
Intro to RPi Pico with Mini Memory Game
I’ve tried to write down and link to the stuff I found useful along the way with this project, in case it helps you too. Well, no, really so I can come back to it next time I’m using one of these!