I recently met up with an IRC friend,
Davey Shafik, in real life for the first time. A couple of days beforehand I realised that he lives in Florida and sometimes meets up with my good friend and
phpwomen.org mentor,
Ligaya Turmelle. This seemed like too good an opportunity to miss to send her something little, so I made her this (and finally it reached her so I can post about it! This was actually made at Christmas time):

He’s just crocheted, nothing complicated, and I made him up although I’ve seen plenty like him doing the rounds on craftzine and similar sites. I know I’ll get asked to make another so instead, here’s the pattern and if you can’t crochet, I’ll teach you. He’s a really easy toy and was quick to make. Lig says “he’s cute” which is all the encouragement I need :)
Robot Crochet Pattern
materials: 3.5 mm crochet hook, DK (8 ply) yarn scraps, black embroidery thread, tapestry needle, toy stuffing.
N.B. These are British Crochet instructions, if you know what “single crochet” is then you need to convert it to American format, see my previous post on the differences, basically this is all “dc” which is “sc” in American terminology.
Foundation: 24 ch.
Round 1:1 ch (counts as dc), dc in remaining back loops to end, turn, crochet along the other loops (they were the front loops, then you turned the work, so they are kind of back loops now) back to start, join.
Round 2: 1 ch (counts as dc), dc all round, join.
Rounds 3-18: as row 2.
Finish Body: This is where we seam across the top of the round to make the shoulders, so hold front and back of body together and do 8 dc across both front and back stitches, as if using crochet technique to join pieces. Then crochet across the middle part, where his neck would go, then crochet closed 8 stitches at the end of the row too, going through front and back stitches together as before, finish off yarn. You should have a big square shape with a smaller slit on the top edge.
Cast on Head: With other colour of yarn, crochet a row of dc around the slit, (this is the basis of the head) join.
Rows 1-8: 1 ch (counts as dc), dc all round, join.
Now stuff the robot with the toy stuffing, as tightly as possible.
Finish Head: (Similar to method for shoulders) Fold flat and crochet two stitches together across top of head, finish off yarn. Weave in all ends.
Aerial: ch 8, finish off. Using yarn ends, stitch first ch to 3rd or 4th one in chain and join other end of aerial to middle of top of head (see picture).
Feet (make 2): 3ch, join to form ring. ch 1 (counds as dc), 5 dc into ring, join. 4 more rows of 6dc, and stuff the shape (its fiddly!). Then leave a long end, thread through remaining stitches and pull tight. ch 12 with long end and finish off. Attach to robot with yarn end.
Hands (make 2): make a little pom pom (I just sounds yarn round my fingers a few times and tied it round the middle with one end of a long tail of yarn, then cut through the loops). ch 18 with the long tail, finish off, and attach to robot.
Face: using black embroidery thread, embroider a face.
Pattern Notes
This is my first ever attempt at publishing a pattern, although I often make things by just beginning and then working in the right direction rather than finding a pattern. If you make him, I would really like to hear from you and if you have photos too then that would make me actually dance with joy :) Similarly if its unclear or you spot any mistakes then please add a comment – feedback is welcome!