Garden Goodness

You’ve probably seen the garden photos we took already, but last weekend, it underwent rather a change. Here’s the updated version:

You can’t really see on this photo, but I now have flowers in my garden :) Here’s a better shot:

The two on the left are Hydrangeas, one is a cutting from Mum’s plant and the other was a gift from Enid. Mum and I went to the garden centre and bought the others – the big purple one is a buddleia which butterflies will like. The others I’m not sure but they’re pretty!!

Planting plants is easy, all you do is:

  1. Dig a hole
  2. Put potting compost in it
  3. Add ‘fairy dust’ (slow release fertiliser granules)
  4. Get the plant out of its pot (this is the hard bit)
  5. Put the plant in the hole and pat the earth you dug out to make the hole around the plant.

We also planted lettuce seeds, but there’s nothing to show you of those just yet …

Strawberry Summer

Back in October, our first house sale fell through and our plans were rather up in the air. On my next visit home I was marched onto the patio by my father who pointed out the strawberry pot and strawberry plants that would have formed my housewarming present.

Eight months on and we’re in our new home and the strawberries are here too. Yesterday, I had strawberries for my tea :)

Thanks Dad!

New Look Google Analytics: The Dashboard

Google Analytics have been migrating their users to a new interface over the last few weeks. I like analytics (something to do with an unhealthy fetish for statistics I think) so I’ve been pretty impatient waiting for my mail to come through. Anyway its here and I’ve been migrated – woohoo!

I thought it would be cool to blog about some of the functionality that is available in analytics … until I sat down to do it and realised what a very long blog post that would be. So here’s the first installment.

The dashboard

The first thing you see when you view a site’s stats in analytics is the dahsboard, and its quite a change:

The strangest thing I find about this is the changed date range – I’m accustomed to seeing my site stats on a per-week basis rather than the four weeks that it now seems to like to show. Its cool though and gives a better overall picture of what is happening, especially for people like me that often only drop in and even then not necessarily weekly!

There are so many options from this screen that I’m literally going to mention a few and save the rest for another day, making this my new mini series of blog posts1. To start with lets take a look under that temptingly clickable date range:

You can use either of these interfaces to pick your date range, which is really nice. The timeline one has grabbable side controls, so you can slide or stretch that range as you like.

Also note the compare control on the right hand side of the box … I used this with a week’s date range selected, and it projects last weeks data onto this weeks (although both date ranges can be altered) – look!

Its a nice touch and each point on that graph is hoverable, showing the exact number that has been plotted. Its possible to display all sorts of metrics against time from this one screen, look at that “visit” button on the top right?

Hidden in there is a treasure trove of options just waiting for you to drop in and get new perspectives on your traffic trends:

This simple section of the new interface kept me entertained for quite a while (although as I said, I do like statistics so am easily entertained by this type of thing), its slick and its easy to use and the flash does add a lot. I’ve found its buggy under Linux, although that might be more to do with the flash implementation than anything else, however it is a bit disappointing. I managed to borrow the MacBook though and that was much more stable (and hence the screenshots are raken in safari!).

I do like the new interface and I’ll be writing more about some other aspects of it in the future, if there’s anything you have found particularly useful or would like to know more about, add a comment and let me know.

Can Your Husband Cook?

How many women cook the main meal of the day, on autopilot, knowing that the man in their life “can’t cook”? It seems to be a pretty regular thing. I think men are better cooks than they are given credit for – most of them are pretty motivated since they like food!

I think that we are confusing two skills here:

  • the ability to create nutritious and tasty food
  • the ability to feed a family when you come in the house hungry and uninspired after a long day at work.

The two are totally different skills, and they’re not linked! What kind of a cook are you?

Little Guest Room

I promise house stories, and then I disappear for weeks, I know! Anyway, I’m back with some more house photos. Do you remember an attic photo from the first day in the house?

Well, its the little guest room now, and has had a few visitors already – I hope Chris, Cait and Rob enjoyed their stays!

The Internet Has Landed

We bought a house, as I may have mentioned before. For anyone who doesn’t know us, I’m an internet geek living with an even geekier internet geek. The internal networks have been up since about ten days in, but its taken til today (more than five weeks) to get the internet connected to the house. It sounds daft to put the internal networks up but the nabaztag works and we’ve also got an internet radio that can stream music off the internal server which is great as the radio reception in the basement kitchen is rubbish. Anyway, back to my internet story:

We started off by ringing BT. They would need to send someone to test the line but wouldn’t need access to the house. So that duly happened, but we didn’t get a phone line. They rang to say they needed access to the house to reconnect us, and could come any time between 9am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, and would give us a 5-hour window in which to expect them. We can’t take time off really and can only work remotely if we have internet. Very annoying.

The problem arose because the house wasn’t previously supplied by this company, so we rang the current suppliers, a cable company. They would happily connect us immediately and we didn’t really care so long as we got internet so we tried to move forward with that. Only the cable people couldn’t connect a new account at our address as the previous owner hadn’t cancelled his account which is registered at this address. Its not even his house any more but until he cancels his account, we can’t have one.

So back to BT. Kevin eventually managed to do some remote paperwork from here one morning last week and a BT engineer came and connected the line. Today, the ADSL got connected and started working … so I’m on the sofa, with the laptop :)

Usually if I write more than one blog entry at a time then I stagger them, but tonight I’m just going to blog and blog! This place has been getting very neglected as I’ve been offline and sooooooo busy at work. Watch this space …

Gender and the Tech Community

I could post a whole page of links on this subject, I’m a woman in IT and its not easy. The women I know in the area will already have read all of them anyway, so there’s little value in that.

This one is for the guys. If you only read one of the why-don’t-women-join-tech-groups articles, read this one. Please?

The waters rise

Popped home at lunch time and the water is a couple of centimetres deep with another 12 hours or so of heavy rain forecast. Even my bright red wellies aren’t enough to brighten up this situation!

So today’s post is about a different bit of the house, the five day conversion of a store room:

to a party venue:

Yup, the big table has moved rooms and we easily sat eleven round it for takeaway and then a poker party :)

A Tale of Two Floods

Well, we’ve been in the house almost four weeks and so far we’ve been flooded twice1.

Last Friday I headed down the stairs for my breakfast, to the kitchen which is in the basement. pitter … patter … splish. splash. splosh. I’m standing in about an inch of water, in the kitchen, at 8am, in my slippers.

We’re new home owners, we have no idea how to cope with this crisis. So I shouted upstairs for Kevin and together we started to mop. About 6 full buckets later, the level was definitely dropping but we still couldn’t figure out where it was all coming from. The water was clean, not soapy or muddy (or worse!) so we figured it was rain water as it had been raining very heavily for a couple of days. A check outside revealed that the well outside the kitchen window (which is sunken underground by about 6 feet) was filling up. So, in torrential rain, Kevin climbed in and bailed the muck, the water and the general rubbish out of this six foot deep hole until we found the drain. And then he bailed some more until it started draining. Really not fun. And of course by now we’re both hours late for work.

After that, we thought we had it sorted. The rain receeded, the water level fell and we found a wet-and-dry vacuum in the garage. We hoovered up the worst of it with that and left the dehumidifier running, and by the next morning it didn’t seem too bad. It’s not nice but nothing important got damaged and we thought with the drain clearing we’d solved the problem. It was upsetting and not fun but we’re home owners and we knew this came with the territory.

Last night, we had a friend staying over and we were in the kitchen when a thunderstorm started up about 10pm. Just as a precaution we picked stuff up off the floor in the kitchen and tripped out the electrics down there. At 3:30am Kevin and I were standing on the steps of the kitchen watching helplessly as the water literally approached us across the floor. Kevin tried to hoover it up but it just kept on rising and in the end we gave up at 4am as the rain stopped and the sky began to lighten with the dawn. By 7am there was definitely water in the kitchen but not lots, we think it had come up and gone down again before we got up. We’ve vacuumed it up now and left the dehumidifier running.

We’ve got a house with no damp proofing and it looks as if rather than a leak, the level comes up with the water table. Two floods in less than a week and the work to put the basement right costs a year’s salary. I’m not absolutely sure what we can do from here.

1 Not strictly true, we had an additional minor flood when the shower started leaking through the living room ceiling, but that’s minor in comparison. Although the repairs did involve gutting a portion of said ceiling and replacing the plaster board, and the room is out of action and has been for a fortnight.