Category Archives: tech
Pretty-Printing JSON with Python’s JSON Tool
curl | python -mjson.tool
You need python installed, but the JSON extension is probably included, and that’s all you need for this tool. The result is something like:
You can also use this approach to present JSON data that has been captured to another file, for example, it’s a handy trick that I use often when developing something with JSON as a data format.
Installing XHGui
XHGui needs version numbers or fluffy animal names, because this is a really major release and quite different to what went before in both technology and in looks. In particular, it now uses MongoDB. If you’re not familiar with MongoDB, it’s a super-friendly NoSQL database that makes a really handy backend for this kind of unstructured data – because every run of every page will look different. Therefore you will need:
- MongoDB itself
- The pecl extension for mongo
- The xhprof pecl extension (
read on if you’re using PHP 5.4, there’s a gotcha)
Endpoints for HTTP Testing
Printing PDF Bookmarks List
I used a tool called pdftk which is excellent, I’ve used it before for doing various other PDF-related things. To grab metadata such as bookmarks, use the dump-data command, like this:
pdftk myfile.pdf dump_data | grep BookmarkTitle > outline.txt
The above line takes all the bookmarks from the PDF (this was a slide deck created using powerdot and LaTeX, the section and slide titles nest appropriately), and outputs a bunch of information about the document and the various PDFs. The grep
command just gets the lines containing “BookmarkTitle”, then the whole thing gets written to a file. I cleaned that up and now I have the outline of my course, so I can add timings, notes for the exercises and so on.
Five Clues That Your API isn’t RESTful
It has a single endpoint
I don’t really care what else is going on in your API, any “RESTful” API which has a statement such as “all requests are made to” is … not RESTful. REST is all about handling representations of resources, each is represented by its own URI and we operate directly on that. If it looks like “pretty URLs”, then it’s probably along the right lines. Continue reading
How NOT to Design Your API
[blackbirdpie id=”289014953954930688″]
In the raft of responses (and thankyou all, this was fabulous, helpful and entertaining in equal parts!), there were some definite patterns that I’d like to share with you, in no particular order. Continue reading
Random Colours with the Blink(1)
You’re Not Using Source Control? Read This!
The document goes on to talk about the available tools (git, Hg, SVN) and give a sales pitch for _why_ source control has benefits for an organisation. There are also some action points to follow to implement source control if you haven’t already taken the leap, which I hope will help anyone looking to take that step – it’s kind of awkward in this day and age to admit that your organisation doesn’t have source control, but however this situation arose, hopefully this document wraps up my thoughts on how to find a good way out! Continue reading