Movable Type Fonts and Ubuntu

Since relaunching this site, with actual design rather than several shades of pink thrown together, I’ve become more aware of being consistent in presentation. With this in mind, I wanted add the same fonts to Ubuntu that are used here.
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Conference Finance

Planning an event of any kind? Let me share with you what I have learned so far about how the numbers for these things actually work and how to understand the “what to charge” vs “how many people” balance.
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PHP OAuth Provider: Access Tokens

I’ve been working with OAuth, as a provider and consumer, and there isn’t a lot of documentation around it for PHP at the moment so I thought I’d share my experience in this series of articles. This relates to the stable OAuth 1.0a spec, however OAuth2 has already started to be adopted (and differs greatly). This article uses the pecl_oauth extension and builds on Rasmus’ OAuth Provider post. This entry follows on from the ones about the initial requirements, how to how to handle request tokens, and authenticating users.
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Drawing Flow Diagrams with GraphViz

Recently I’ve been drawing a few different kinds of diagrams for a book I was writing, and been using graphviz to create them. Since I struggled a bit to get them going the way that I wanted them to, I am sharing them here (as much for my future self as anyone else visiting, but if they help you too then that’s excellent).
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Comment, Don’t Tweet

This blog regularly features posts which are rather niche, incomplete or in some cases simply misleading (not intentionally, I promise!). Often I post something, and then discover there was an awful lot more to know, and find that people add all kinds of constructive suggestions, resources, and other goodness in the comments.

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Adding Markers to a Google Chart

I seem to blog about graphs a lot at the moment, but that’s because I am seeing a lot of them, with one thing and another. I recently added some little bubbles to the line graphs produced by Bitestats (obligatory elevator pitch: one-page, simple summary report pull from your google analytics account). I think they are kind of cute:

Once I got going with them, they were actually pretty straightforward. You can actually add all kinds of markers to your google chart, complete with funky icons and customisable colours! The code I added to make these is simply:


All we have here is a simple specification of which kind of bubbles I want, the label for them and which data series (ds) and data point (dp) to attach it to. I generated the bubble tail directions sensitive to whether they were a min or max label, and which half of the graph they are in.
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PHP Static Analysis Tool Usage

Last week I tweeted a poll with the question “Which PHP static analysis tools do you regularly use?”. These are the results:
Static Analysis Tools Poll Results (phpcs 81%, phpmd 59%, phpcpd 59%, phploc 41%, phpdpd 48%)

My interest was mostly because I’m working on a book chapter which includes some static analysis content, and there are a couple of these tools that I include in my own builds, but I don’t do much with the output of them. However I didn’t want to drop anything from the chapter if it was actually a valuable tool and I was just missing the point – pretty much all the tools got a good number of votes though, so I’ll be covering all of the above. It does look as if phploc has less of a following, however it’s one of my favourite tools so it gets a mention anyway!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote; I thought I’d share the results in case anyone was interested.