Frankfurt Visit: First Impressions

I’m in Germany for a few days at the IPC and since we had some time spare I’ve been exploring!

First of all, we took trip into Frankfurt itself yesterday. The queue for the ticket office was wildly long but some people who had a weekend travel pass and had returned to the airport to catch a flight gave us their train tickets which was really lucky (and nice of them).

Once in Frankfurt I put my card in the cash machine to get some money out – we decided it would be better to take money out on demand rather than changing it before we travelled. I had a bit of a deja vu moment when I put in my card and out came strange-looking money … its just like going to Scotland really :)

We were quite lucky as apparently Frankfurt is usually completely closed on a Sunday (I didn’t know that) but it was a special day of some description so all the shops were open in the afternoon. Its too early for the Christmas Markets but there were plenty of sausages and Gluhwein stalls on the streets all the same. Loads of the cafes had tables on the street – personally I think its too cold in Northern Europe in November for that but we ate outside all the same and it seemed a popular choice. We took some photos but they will have to wait until I get home to my own computer and a faster net connection!

Today we’ve been into the local place, Morfelden, which is tiny but has nice cafes and so on. I even managed to sniff out the wool shop and couldn’t resist buying a couple of balls of wool! I’ll knit something to remind me of my visit here I think, not sure what though.

Scottish Holiday

Recently we had a week’s holiday with the family in Scotland, which was lovely and quite relaxing as we were right out in Dumfries almost in Stranraer and there really isn’t a lot to do there! Its beautiful though and we were really lucky with the weather.

We actually took quite a lot of photos but I’ve uploaded them to flickr account and can’t be bothered to upload them again so pop over there and take a look at anything tagged “scotland”.

Looking Forward to IPC

Next week I’ll be attending the International PHP Conference in Frankfurt. There aren’t a lot of PHP Conferences outside of the USA and as such this one is about as local as they get (other than PHPLondon of course!).

I’m hoping to learn some new things from the various talks during the 2-day conference, and to come back itching to try out new stuff! I’ll be meeting lots of new people as well, some of whom I’m “met” online already, and some of whom are completely new. Other than that I’m really not sure what to expect at all.

If you’re going to IPC, then pop over and say hi, I’m the tall, loud one in a phpwomen t-shirt :)

Textpattern to Serendipity Migration Scripts

Not terribly riveting reading but this is the story of my migration from textpattern (version 4.0.4) to serendipity (version 1.1.3). This includes some PHP scripts I used to fix some problems on import – they’re not the best or the most robust in the world but they worked for me and I wanted to pop them here in case they work for someone else. Feedback on the code isn’t necessary because I won’t be using it again ;)

A running start

Firstly let me say that serendipity has a fabulous import feature which brought in 90% of my content about 30 seconds after I saw the button labelled “Import Data”. This is a real hurdle-remover for new users and definitely clinched the deal for me. Having done this I found that:

  • I had weird entity encodings everywhere
  • my images hadn’t arrived
  • everything seemed much more spaced out than it had been on the old blog


The images hadn’t been transferred and I also realised that the custom tags that textpattern uses, such as:

hadn’t been handled by the import script, so I kind of had two problems to solve. I started by transferring all the images across and renaming them to something more helpful.

This is going to be a really long article, but do read on if its helpful – I’m posting the rest as extended content so the disinterested need not scroll past it! Continue reading

Happy Birthday PHPWomen

I knew we’d passed the anniversary mark recently but didn’t know exactly when – however, its happened. Happy Birthday PHPWomen!!!

The group has brought me friendship, direction, and moral support in quantities I never dreamed existed. Long may it continue :)

Mysql show processlist

A very quick entry today, life seems to be so busy at the moment but I have to write this down before I forget. Today I had a weird situation where mysql was consuming a lot of resources but didn’t seem to be actually getting anywhere, as if something was “stuck” inside it. Using the processlist I was able to diagnose the problem. From the command line just run:

show processlist;

If you’re a phpMyAdmin user, then there’s a link for “processes” on the front page of your installation. Give it a try when things seem to be taking longer than they should!

Models and Mentors

The thing with a blog is that its public, so sometimes there are things that happen in my life that I don’t write about here – especially when these are work-related. So instead I’d like to chatter about people I have met in my professional life who have influenced me.


Mentors come in two flavours – official and unofficial. An official mentor is part of a formal agreement and may even be regulated by your employer, and an unofficial one is someone you adopt and turn to for advice; I have one of each.

My offical mentor is Lig. my “Big Sis” from where we run a Big Sis, Little Sis scheme. I expected this to involve a lot of technical input but the biggest thing I’ve got out of this relationship is moral support and an introduction to the wider php community – who in turn provide more of the aforementioned moral support in addition to the raft of technical information you’d expect, and serveral more rafts that you wouldn’t!

My unofficial mentor Mark is an ex-colleague from Snowdrop. Whilst we’ve only met a handful of times in person I took over the Oracle DBA stuff at Snowdrop from Mark and spent a lot of time on the phone/jabber/email with him with that and various other projects. Although we’re both now working elsewhere, live far away from one another, and have other distractions in our lives we still stay in touch. Mark is my “professional” mentor – although we work in different fields of technology, I tap into his business experiences to inform my own choices and deal with situations that are new.


Models are people whose behaviour you learn from or emulate in order to extend your own skill set, either by being actively coached by that person or by learning by observation. I have learned from a senior manager that to stutter endearingly while delivering bad news can work surprisingly well (not an approach to use every day!). When I worked as an administrational temp one summer, I was told to smile when on the phone – something which came in very handy when I worked on a technical helpdesk a few years later. I’ve also learned numerous tricks and techniques from the old hands in the technical departments in the various places that I’ve worked. These battle-hardened geeks can be hard nuts to crack, but they have so many stories to tell its worth it – and some have grown to be real-life friends.

Sometimes you have to ask to be taught something, this can be tricky to do if the person is busy or you are shy. On other occasions you may be able to learn from observation or the other person may mentor you of their own accord. However it happens, I try to make the most of the positive role models and coaches around me. From these people I have learned so many of the skills that I use day-to-day to perform my role and I’m grateful!

Charity Natty Keyrings

At the knitting group I attend in Leeds (first Tuesday and third Wednesday of every month in Starbucks in Borders if you’re interested) we received an invitation to join the “Knit a Natty Keyring” charity event. I can’t find a website for them but here’s a good description of what its all about. I signed up to make two and here they are:

The jumper one was supposed to have sleeves but I ran out of time and enthusiasm at about the same point so it’s staying as it is :)